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Aruna Gopakumar

Workshop: 9 November 2019

The empowerment

of Re-storying

In this 1.5 hour workshop, participants experience a developmental process called Re-storying. Re-storying is a collaborative and empowering process of meaning making. It is a process of recomposing the stories that we have made up about who we are.


While allowing “facts” of the stories to remain the same, participants look at interpretations forgotten or suppressed. They liberate potential stories, construct new meanings and re-author their stories to serve them better. Re-storying involves telling, deep listening and imaginative re-telling in a group. The group members are co-authors in the re-storying process.


In the session, participants see the process in action, followed by a discussion on how they could use TA theory to explain the change experienced by the client.

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Aruna Gopakumar

Aruna Gopakumar is a PTSTA (P), running training groups in Bangalore, India. She founded Navgati, a leadership development firm,  in 1999. 


Today , with over 500 organisational clients, Navgati is a market leader in running creative, powerful and unique learning events. Passionate about helping people realize their fullest potential, Aruna has over the years built expertise in conceptualizing, designing and facilitating programs. She has conducted over 4000 workshops and done 2700 hours of coaching with organizational leaders. 


Aruna is an engineer from Anna University (1991), Management Graduate from IIM-Bangalore (1993), and an MCC (Master Certified Coach with the ICF). Before setting out as an entrepreneur 20 years ago she was HR Manager in two organisations, Sasken Technologies and IBM. 

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